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Top Calfishing.com Trophy Fishing Forum topic #9018
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Subject: "Hudd bite ?" Previous topic | Next topic
humboldtbasserMon Feb-12-07 08:24 PM
Charter member
#9018, "Hudd bite ?"


I've only been fishing the Hudd for about a year now and haven't hooked to many fish so I need some help. Went out for about 3 hrs. today. Got ripped on the Hudd and landed a solid 2pounder x( . in the next 45min or so I got bit probably 5 or 6 more times. A couple of the bites were just little taps and I just kept realing, hoping to get a good enough bite to swing on. But a few of the bites were a good solid THUNK! I would real and set as fast as I could and miss every time. Whats going on here? Am I missing good fish? Could I be getting thumped by and missing 2#ers? What is the best thing to do when You get that solid thump of a bite but no weight on the line? I was slow rolling and bottem bouncing a ROF 12 with a #2 owner treb. on a wire leader on the top rear of the bait as a stinger hook.


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