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Top Calfishing.com Saltwater Fishing in California
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Sorry, my fish is eating you [View all]
Crazy story http://www.foxne ws.com/us/2014/07/05 /great-white-shark-b ites-man-near-southe rn-calif-beach/
swimbaitOct-30-14 05:35 PM
by southernfin
Replies to this topic:
RE: Sorry, my fish is eating you, southernfin, Oct 30th 2014, #1

Last minute help [View all]
Hey gang, I am new here and have a quick question for you..... I am going out on a local charter in the morning and I am taking my daughter with me. I
ImDaveJun-29-14 07:19 PM011543

Stardust is Back in Business! [View all]
THE HARBOR IS OPEN!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!! We are back in business people! Can you smell the burgers? The dredge did its business and we can run starting
StardustMar-14-14 09:38 AM012197

Does anyone out there give lessons in saltwater fishing... [View all]
I live in Costa Mesa - so it would have to be somewhere close to there as I'm utterly terrified of driving on freeways. And I get horrifically sea sic
JamiJRMar-13-14 11:57 AM011505

looking to buy a fishing pole [View all]
Hey readers, I have a nice PENN reel that I want to put onto a new pole for salt water fishing along the west coast of california in the bay area for
sf49ercollectorOct-15-13 03:27 PM012214

Shark Survey [View all]
University of Massachusetts Amherst is collaborating with angling groups to collect data on recreational fishermen's interactions with sharks. Recrea
kmmcclelMay-19-13 08:01 AM
by MountainBass
Replies to this topic:
RE: Shark Survey , MountainBass, May 19th 2013, #1

Giant Bluefin Charter in CANADA [View all]
In case anyone is interested, I found a great canadian bluefin charter boat last fall. It is the Amy and Laura out of Cribbons point canada. great f
giant2naMar-16-13 09:01 AM012445

Happy Lure Company Irons [View all]
First of all, the former Corbina-man is now living in the Lake Tahoe area. A 215 miles drive to the saltwater in NorCal. No sandcrabs here but plenty
BillHartmanFeb-14-13 05:11 PM012270

Huge eyeball [View all]
http://www.cnn.com/2 012/10/12/us/florida -giant-eyeball/index .html?hpt=hp_t3 w as this at a BOC concert? lol. I'm guessing... 450lb swordfish?
swimbaitOct-13-12 11:59 AM012772

Light Loads & palm trees [View all]
Thursday's 1/2 day trip is a GO! The weather is amazing, and surface fishing is awesome! Just show up tomorrow at 8:15am, Capt Jason & the crew will
StardustSep-19-12 04:12 PM012918

Alabama in the ocean? [View all]
This rig seems made for ocean fishing. Shocked I haven't read a report anywhere yet about people using it. Hello, calico bass?
swimbaitJun-21-12 09:01 AM
by bassinzink
Replies to this topic:
RE: Alabama in the ocean?, socalfrogger, Feb 05th 2012, #1
RE: Alabama in the ocean?, swimbait, Feb 08th 2012, #2
      RE: Alabama in the ocean?, Lake, Feb 09th 2012, #3
           RE: Alabama in the ocean?, bassinzink, Jun 21st 2012, #4

79lb white sea bass [View all]
The guy on baysidemarinesc.com says there was a 79lb white seabass today at Parajo. Wowie. Possible state record
swimbaitOct-18-11 05:16 PM
by newmoonbite
Replies to this topic:
RE: 79lb white sea bass, newmoonbite, Oct 18th 2011, #1

Giant Squid in Santa Barbara [View all]
GIANT SQUID ARE HERE! Just got word from our Whale Watching boat. Tomorrow we are going out 7am-12pm for giant squid, call the landing for reservati
StardustSep-27-11 11:07 AM012683

Fish for Science - Central CA (it's a free boat trip)! [View all]
Experienced anglers needed for hook-and-line fishing project used to monitor California marine protected areas (MPAs) along the central California coa
seagrant_mlmlJul-08-11 12:24 PM013089

Hot Surface Action! [View all]
These beautiful Bass keep on biting! Great day on the Stardust again, 20 Anglers, 40 Calico Bass, 38 Rockfish, 3 Sand Bass, 2 Sheephead. We are a go
StardustJul-06-11 03:19 PM012579

Carpinteria Sportfishing Club's next charter on July 24... [View all]
July 24th is are next Charter on the Stardust, the last charter was a great day on the ocean! Seabass, barracudas, and quality Reds were filled are sa
CarpfishingclubJun-27-11 06:25 PM011894

Spots available on 5am L.L. [View all]
We have a private charter this sunday that has a bunch of spots that need to be filled. It is a 5am 3/4 day limited load $75p/p. We need to know asap,
StardustJun-23-11 07:29 AM012405

Spots open for June 26th Charter aboard the "STARDUST" [View all]
We still have room an at charter for the 26th on Sunday come and fish with use on the STARDUST out of Santa Barbara Sports Landing. If you would like
CarpfishingclubJun-22-11 02:23 PM012213

Current Davey's Locker News - 6/16/11 [View all]
Davey’s Locker Sportfishing ½ Day, ¾ Day, and Twilight Trips Every Day Overnight Trips as Low as $99 Running 5 Days A Week!!! www.daveysl ocke
DaveysLockerJun-16-11 12:16 PM012287

Kick Ass 1/2 day fishing!! [View all]
Kick Ass 1/2 day today!! Jason just called in, great fishing, great conditions. Gotta Love Santa Barbara! 14 Anglers, 8 Sand Bass, 19 Calico Bass, 4
StardustJun-13-11 01:20 PM012722

SF Bay Area Ocean Fishing [View all]
Let's just say, hypothetically, that it stopped raining and the constant wind died down. Let's theoretically assume the weather got nice and calm, an
swimbaitJun-13-11 12:35 AM
by maxciriloy
Replies to this topic:
RE: SF Bay Area Ocean Fishing, dAvE, May 31st 2011, #1
RE: SF Bay Area Ocean Fishing, swimbait, May 31st 2011, #2
      RE: SF Bay Area Ocean Fishing, dAvE, May 31st 2011, #3
           RE: SF Bay Area Ocean Fishing, dockboy, Jun 05th 2011, #4
                RE: SF Bay Area Ocean Fishing, dAvE, Jun 09th 2011, #5
RE: SF Bay Area Ocean Fishing, maxciriloy, Jun 13th 2011, #6

Stardust light load to Santa Rosa Island [View all]
It's going to be a beautiful day at Santa Rosa Island on Sunday. No more wind for a while, we have a ultra light load so far that day. This is you o
StardustApr-28-11 11:26 AM012769

The Thunderbird Schedule [View all]
THE THUNDERBIRD The Thunderbird has a full schedule of overnight trips for the rest of April and we will soon be posting our schedule for May on li
DaveysLockerApr-14-11 12:18 PM012881

Twilight Charter Special!!! [View all]
TWILIGHT CHARTER SPECIAL!!! Right now is the best time of year to book a private fishing charter at Davey’s Locker Sportfishing. www.d aveyslocke
DaveysLockerApr-07-11 12:21 PM012633

SB Harbor Tsunami vid [View all]
http://www.edhat.com /site/tidbit.cfm?nid =50739 Kind of surreal to watch.
swimbaitMar-17-11 06:52 AM
by goletafishin
Replies to this topic:
RE: SB Harbor Tsunami vid, Lake, Mar 14th 2011, #1
RE: SB Harbor Tsunami vid, ellis18666, Mar 17th 2011, #2
      RE: SB Harbor Tsunami vid, goletafishin, Mar 17th 2011, #3
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